Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Proceso expedito para tramitación urgente de visa

Cuando se inicia una solicitud o peticià ³n ante el Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) los plazos de tramitacià ³n pueden ser muy largos. Por lo que es razonable plantearse si es posible acelerarlos  mediante un pago premium.  La respuesta es afirmativa pero sà ³lo en casos relacionados con peticiones por trabajo. En este artà ­culo se informa de los casos en los que se puede pedir el aceleramiento en la tramitacià ³n de una peticià ³n mediante un pago premium, quià ©n lo puede solicitar, cuà ¡nto se demora, cuà ¡l es el costo y cà ³mo contactar con USCIS para resolver problemas o dudas que surjan en dicha tramitacià ³n. Tramitacià ³n expedita  con USCIS  mediante un pago premium Es posible un pago premium en peticiones por trabajo, que comprende dos grandes grupos: cuando se solicita   para un extranjero una visa de trabajo temporal  en la que el empleador debe utilizar el formulario I-129.o cuando el empleador utiliza una planilla I-140 para pedir por razà ³n de trabajo una tarjeta de residencia permanente, conocida tambià ©n como green card. Tambià ©n se admite, en casos extraordinarios, auto-peticià ³n por parte de un trabajador. Esto significa que puede solicitarse en los siguientes casos: Visa E-1, comerciante al amparo de un tratadoVisa E-2, inversor al amparo de un tratadoVisa H-1B, trabajadores extranjeros especiales o modelos. En este caso el gobierno ha anunciado la suspensià ³n temporal del proceso expedito que se reanudarà ¡ el 10 de septiembre de 2018.Visa H-2B, trabajadores temporales para trabajos no agrà ­colasVisa H-3, trabajadores en prà ¡cticas o visitantes de intercambio en el campo de la educacià ³n especialVisa L-1, L-1B y LZ, trabajadores transferidos dentro de una empresa o subsidiarias de la mismaVisa O-1 para trabajadores con extraordinaria habilidad en Ciencias, Deportes, Arte, Educacià ³n o NegociosVisa O-2 para trabajadores que son un apoyo esencial para los titulares de una visa O-1Visa P-1, P-1S, P-2, P-2S, P-3 y P-3S, para deportistas individuales y de equipo, artistas y personal de apoyo para participar en un programa o evento à ºnico o que formen parte de un programa de intercambio cultural.Visa Q-1, para extranjeros participando en un programa de intercambio cultural internacionalVisa R-1 para religiososVisa TN-1 y TN-2, para canadienses y mexicanos al amparo del Tratado de Libre comercio  (NAFTA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s)Visa EB-1, para extranjeros con habilidades extraordinarias, profesores e investigadores excepcionales y gerentes y ejecutivos de multinacionales.Visa EB-2, para profesionales con titulacià ³n avanzada o habilidad excepcional.Visa EB-3, para profesionales, trabajadores especializados y otros trabajadores El USCIS puede suspender temporalmente el procesamiento premium para alguna de esas visas. En el momento en que se escribe este artà ­culo no està ¡ vigente ninguna excepcià ³n. Es decir, se puede aplicar para todas las peticiones enunciadas. Costo del procesamiento premium y a quà © da derecho En la actualidad es de $1.225. Sin embargo, esta cantidad puede variar por lo que es muy conveniente verificar con la pà ¡gina oficial del USCIS. Si la solicitud se hace por internet utilizando el sistema de e-file, el pago puede realizarse mediante tarjeta de crà ©dito, dà ©bito o transferencia desde una cuenta de un banco en Estados Unidos. Por el contrario, si se envà ­a una solicitud en papel, el pago debe hacerse mediante un cheque de un banco en Estados Unidos o por money order. El pago da derecho a que el USCIS acuerde una respuesta en el plazo de 15 dà ­as naturales  a contar desde el dà ­a en el que se recibià ³ la solicitud de procesamiento premium con su correspondiente pago.   La respuesta no significa siempre que se obtiene la aprobacià ³n, sino que puede ser cualquiera de las siguientes: Una carta de aprobacià ³n de la peticià ³n de visa o de tarjeta de residenciaUna carta en la que se pide mà ¡s informacià ³n o documentacià ³n. Es lo que se conoce como Peticià ³n de Evidencia o RFE, por sus siglas en inglà ©s.Una carta en la que se notifica la intencià ³n de rechazar la peticià ³n. Se conoce como NOID, por sus siglas en inglà ©s.Y, finalmente, puede que lo que se notifique es que se   inicia una investigacià ³n porque se sospecha que la peticià ³n es fraudulenta o se ha mentido en la misma o se ha presentado documentacià ³n de apoyo falsa. En el caso de que USCIS haya respondido con una RFE o una NOID, el solicitante debe contestar en el tiempo que se le otorga en la notificacià ³n. Y, una vez que el USCIS recibe las  alegaciones o la documentacià ³n  adicional que pidià ³, tiene que responder en el plazo de 15 dà ­as naturales. En casos extraordinarios puede suceder que USCIS no responda dentro de los 15 dà ­as siguientesa  haber recibido la peticià ³n de tramitacià ³n premium.   En estos casos està ¡ obligado a regresar el coste del trà ¡mite y, ademà ¡s, a responder inmediatamente.   Ademà ¡s, el pago premium da derecho a utilizar un telà ©fono especial gratuito, el 1-866-315-5718, para resolver dudas o hacer preguntas relacionadas con la peticià ³n de la visa. Cà ³mo se solicita el pago premium para acelerar una peticià ³n con USCIS El formulario para solicitar la  aceleracià ³n de los trà ¡mites  es el I-907. La solicitud se puede realizar  conjuntamente  con el envà ­o de los formularios I-129,   en el caso de visa de trabajo temporal, o I-140, cuando se solicita la tarjeta de residencia por trabajo. Tambià ©n puede enviarse  por separado  en un momento posterior. Resaltar que la peticià ³n de tramitacià ³n acelerada sà ³lo la puede solicitar la empresa o emprendedor o su abogado  que son los que piden la visa. Nunca puede solicitarla el beneficiario de la peticià ³n, excepto en el caso en el que un trabajador de cualidades excepcionales solicita  una tarjeta de residencia para sà ­ mismo sin patrocinador. Por el contrario, el pago del formulario I-907 pueden efectuarlo no sà ³lo la empresa o  su abogado, sino tambià ©n la persona extranjera que resultarà ­a beneficiada por este trà ¡mite.  ¿A quà © no da derecho el pago premium para acelerar los trà ¡mites? En primer lugar, este pago no levanta los là ­mites anuales en el nà ºmero de visas que se pueden aprobar dentro de cada categorà ­a  por aà ±o fiscal. Es decir, si se ha agotado el nà ºmero de visas disponibles, con o sin pago premium hay que esperar al siguiente aà ±o fiscal para que se abra de nuevo la disponibilidad de visas. Tampoco da derecho a beneficios extra en los casos en los que existe una loterà ­a para determinar quià ©nes son los beneficiados de una visa, como por ejemplo con las visas de la familia H, en particular con la H-1B para profesionales. En los aà ±os en los que el nà ºmero de solicitudes excede en menos de una semana al total de visas disponibles para un aà ±o fiscal se procede a decidir por sorteo quià ©n es el ganador. El pago de procesamiento premium no da ventaja en esa loterà ­a. En tercer lugar, el pago premium no se admite en visas o en tarjetas de residencia cuyo proceso se inicia con formularios distintos al I-129 o al I-140. Por ejemplo, no es posible en las visas de turista, estudiante, intercambio, etc. Tampoco en las peticiones de green card por razà ³n de familia, algunas de las cuales sufren grandes demoras, como son los casos de  las peticiones de ciudadano americano para hermanos, hijos casados o hijos solteros mayores de 21 aà ±os o las de residente para sus hijos solteros mayores de 21 aà ±os. Este artà ­culo es informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal para ningà ºn caso concreto.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Resurrection and Rebirth in A Tale of Two Cities Essay...

A Tale of Two Cities By Charles Dickens The idea of resurrection and rebirth pervades in this novel. How does Dickens use this theme? Do these themes of resurrection and self sacrifice and the setting of the French Revolution have anything to do with one another? Why is this the time and place of the novel? Brief Historical Background The novel, A Tale of Two Cities, takes place during the onset of the French Revolution, which shook the Western world with its violence and new ideas on freedom and the aristocracy. It was a period of major political and social change in the political history of both France and Europe during which the French governmental structure took on the Enlightenment’s ideals democracy, citizenship, and†¦show more content†¦His inspiration for the novel was brought about by a play he starred in, wherein a man sacrifices his own life so that his rival may have the woman they both love. This was the basis for the love triangle relationships between Charles Darnay, Lucie Manette, and Sydney Carton in the novel. Moreover, Dickens appreciated the play for its treatment of redemption and rebirth, love and violence. The novel is seen to transpose these themes onto the French Revolution, which seemed like an event that embodied these same issues on a historical level. The theme of rebir th and redemption is constantly seen in the novel, especially since it took place during such a turbulent time of much change and the countless â€Å"rebirths† of France’s government. Resurrection and Rebirth The most reoccurring theme in this novel is the theme of resurrection and rebirth. Dickens examines this theme on a political/national level in the form of France’s plight, while more explicitly examines it in the character of Carton. Many literary techniques have been employed by Dickens to call attention to this theme and it will also be the central discussion of this paper. The other theme of sacrifice is closely associated with the former, and will also be discussed in this paper. This novel shows Dickens’ belief in the possibility of resurrection and transformation, and it is shown to the readers on both a personal and societal level. The very beginning of theShow MoreRelatedA New and Better Life through Rebirth666 Words   |  3 PagesA New and Better Life through Rebirth In a time of either desperation or contentment, A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens communicates the rebirth going on in the era of the French Revolution in two cities: Paris and London. The theme of resurrection or rebirth is seen throughout the book. No matter what happens in the book, everything goes back to the one major theme of being RECALLED TO LIFE (14). One could say Dickens conveyed the theme of resurrection in multiple characters being transformedRead More Resurrection in A Tale of Two Cities Essay1211 Words   |  5 PagesResurrection in A Tale of Two Cities      Ã‚   Resurrection is a powerful theme found throughout the plot of A Tale of Two Cities.   Many of the characters in the novel are involved with the intertwining themes of love, redemption, and good versus evil.   The theme of resurrection involves certain aspects of all of these themes and brings the story together.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Dr. Manette is the first person to experience resurrection in A Tale of Two Cities.   He is taken awayRead MoreThe Role of Resurrection in A Tale of Two Cities Essay1355 Words   |  6 PagesCharles Dickens’s book, A Tale of Two Cities, Dickens uses the injustice in the French Revolution and the corruption in societies of that time to show the theme of resurrection along with many other themes. In the novel, the heroes and heroine use sacrifices to resurrect someone important in their lives. However, through the process of resurrecting another, some characters are also resurrected themselves. The two most important characters in relation to the theme of resurrection are Doctor Manette andRead MoreTheme of Resurrection in Charles Dickens’s Book, A Tale of Two Cities1523 Words   |  7 PagesCharles Dickens’s book, A Tale of Two Cities, Dickens used the injustice in the French Revolution and the corruption in societies of that time to show the theme of resurrection along with many other themes. In the novel, the heroes and heroine uses sacrifice to resurrect an important person in their lives. However, through the process of resurrecting another, some characters also resurrected themselves. The two most important characters that relates to the theme of resurrection were Doctor Manette andRead MoreTheme Of Resurrection In A Tale Of Two Cities1081 Words   |  5 Pagesnovel. In A Tale of Two Cities Charles Dickens most prominently uses the motif of resurrection. From the very first chapter when Jarvis Lorry sends a letter from the bank saying â€Å"Recalled to Life† on it, the motif of resurrection becomes very significant. He develops this motif by using many literary devices such as character development, setting, and symbols. Dickens places symbols to continually remind the reader of the overall theme that sacrifice is necessary to be happy. The rebirth of Dr. ManetteRead MoreEssay on Religious Syncretism and its Consequences in Mayan Society1211 Words   |  5 PagesMesoamerican daily life, from science and architecture to art and politics (Carmack 295), in many of the same ways Catholicism did in Spain. The collision of these cultures in the Great Encounter and the resulting Spanish colonial state mixed not solely two different peoples—Indian and Spanish—but thousands of variants: elites and slaves, peasant farmers and traders, priests and traders, organized and local spiritual customs, all with different degrees of diversity in their respective religious practicesRead MoreA Tale Of Two Cities By Charles Dickens1124 Words   |  5 Pagessadder sight than the man of good abilities and good emotions, incapable of their directed exercise, incapable of his own help and his own happiness, sensible of the blight on him, and resigning himself to let it eat him away† (Dickens 92). A Tale of Two Cities, a novel by Charles Dickens, describes the â€Å"imprisonment of the whole French people within the walls of an unyielding social system.† During the time before the French Revolution, a person’s fate was determined by the family into which someoneRead MoreCharles Dickens : A Social Critic And English Writer Essay2210 Words   |  9 Pagesliterature ever written. A Tale of Two Cities, published in 1859, is Dickens’ bestselling novel. His writing style was influenced by the 18th era picaresque novels and ‘The Arabian Nights’ fables. Dickens style of writing is marked by an abundant of linguistic ingenuity. He is also mostly described as utilizing idealized characters, and extremely maudlin scenes that contrasted his caricatures, as well as ugly social truths, which he discloses. A Tale of Two Cities A Tale of Two Cities is a novel writtenRead MoreA Tale of Two Cities Book Report1459 Words   |  6 Pages Sacrifice, even when it comes to one’s ultimate end, is crucial in order to survive as a productive race. In the book Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, he illustrates the hardships of the early-nineteenth-century lifestyles. With the resurrection of an evicted man, the novel sprouts from a broken family recovering and growing. This novel incorporates many grand gestures and adventures, such as the French Revolution, treason trials, and the sacrifice of one’s own life in the name of love. Read MoreThe Afterlife Of Ancient Greece1955 Words   |  8 Pagesreserved for those who were lucky enough to have lived in the favourable graces of the gods; a place where only the most honourable and righteous of mankind were allowed entrance, and where all heroes and offspring of the gods were fated to rest (Greek City). 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Macroeconomic Analysis of GDP Growth Rate of Canada †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Macroeconomic Analysis of GDP Growth Rate of Canada. Answer: Chosen news article Fading Consumers Make Canada's GDP Slowdown Worse Than Expected by Theophilos Argitis, published in Bloomberg, Canada on March 2, 2018. Summary of the news article Economy of Canada slowed down unexpectedly in the second half of 2017, with a GDP growth rate of 1.6% in the second half, compared to 4.2% in the first half. The gap between the GDP of the USA and Canada was largest in the second half of 2017. The household sector cut down on the spending, leading to the fall in growth. The housing market gains helped the Canadian GDP to compensate the fall in the GDP due to a fall in manufacturing and construction Fall in the household spending affected the consumption and GDP growth and led to higher saving rate, 4.2% in the fourth quarter compared to 4% in the third quarter. Non-residential business investment accelerated in fourth quarter up to 8.2% on a yearly basis. The growth rate improved by 0.1% in the fourth quarter of 2017 due to slightly improved residential spending on the consumer goods leading to a better condition at 3.9% growth. Identification of the macroeconomic concept The article focuses on the impact of household spending on the growth of GDP or economic growth of the nation and reduction in the addition of inventories by the retail and consumer goods businesses that led a to fall in the economic growth by 0.7%. Analysis of the economic concepts It has been found that in the second half of 2017, that is, the third and fourth quarters of the financial year, the consumer goods business sector faced a downfall in the revenue, which had affected the total GDP of the country. The reason identified was that the household sector was more inclined towards saving, rather than towards spending (Argitis, 2018). The fall in the consumer spending has influenced the retail and other businesses to reduce the addition of the inventories, which affected the manufacturing and total production of Canada in the second half of 2017. GDP refers to the total value of the goods and services produced within the geographical boundaries of a nation in a specific time period (Mankiw, 2014). It is calculated by adding the consumption (C), investment (I), government expenditure (G) and net exports, that is, the difference between exports (X) and imports (M). Household spending is accounted under consumption and it can be said that, fall in the household consumption or spending can affect the GDP negatively (Rios, McConnell Brue, 2013). The level of investment cannot increase to offset the fall in consumption. The fall in the demand for products in the domestic economy led to a fall in the inventories which resulted in the fall in production and in the GDP as well. As seen from the diagram, the fall in the aggregate demand in the economy leads to a fall in the overall price level and the total output of the nation decreases. Household constitutes a larger part of the economy and fall in the household spending reduces the consumption expenditure component in the GDP. This indicates a fall in the aggregate demand in the nation which results in the fall of GDP and economic growth. To counter this situation, Canada should increase the level of exports. Rise in the exports can give a boost to the domestic economy and the next export component in the GDP will rise. There has been a trend in the rise of investment by the household, which can be inferred from the observation that, the household sector is saving up more to invest in the housing. Personal connection with the topic The article is interesting in the aspect of how the consumption pattern by the household can affect the GDP and economic growth of a country. The existing economic scenario, depicted in this article, has been affecting the employees of consumer goods retail industry. Due to a fall in the revenue and profit, some companies could not provide a hike in the salary and some had to go for reducing the workforce for cost cutting. One of my friends was working part time with clothing retailer Jacob, who lost his job due to the cost cutting policies by the company resulting from the fall in profit in the second half of 2017. Linking with the Economic Way of Thinking The news article addressed the issues of falling customer spending in the economy, leading to unexpected fall in the GDP of Canada. Following the Economic Way of Thinking topics, this issue follows the choosing at the margin behavior by comparing the marginal and cost and benefit of the factor (Jullien, Rey Saavedra, 2014). The consumers have made the cost benefit analysis of spending on the retail products than on the housing. The demand for housing or real estate has increased in Canada in 2017, following the increase in population and rise in the disposable income of the people. Hence, getting a house would be more beneficial to the people than consuming more consumer retail products. Thus, they found the marginal benefit of saving and investment in the housing sector is more than the marginal cost of not purchasing retail products. Linking to Two Big Economic Questions Two Big Economic Questions are how the choices determine what, how and for whom the products and services are produced and does self-interest or social interest determine the choices made. Regarding the first question, goods and services in an economy are produced for the people of the country. All types of products are produced using four factors of production, that is, land, labor, capital and entrepreneurship (Barr, 2012). The distribution of the goods and services happens on the basis of the income of the people of the country. The factors of production earn particular incomes that are, rent for land, wages for labor, interest for capital, and profit for the entrepreneurs. The goods and services are allocated as per the income and purchasing power of people (Mankiw, 2014). Regarding the second question, the economic production majorly happens for the social interest. Efficiency and equity are two major dimensions of the social interest. The manufacturing industry produces goods for all the consumers of the nation, which reflects the idea of equity (Bovenberg Cnossen, 2012). Similarly, resource allocation is aimed to achieve efficiency, refereeing to the distribution of goods and services in a way that one person will not be better without making another worse (Dow, 2012). The issue in the given news article reflects that the consumer goods and housing are produced using the factors of production for the citizens of Canada, pursuing the social interest of achieving efficiency and equity. References Argitis, T. (2018).Fading Consumers Make Canada's GDP Slowdown Worse Than Retrieved 26 March 2018, from Barr, N. (2012).Economics of the welfare state. Oxford University Press. Bovenberg, L., Cnossen, S. (Eds.). (2012).Publiceconomics and the environment in an imperfect world(Vol. 8). Springer Science Business Media. Dow, S. C. (2012).Foundations for new economic thinking: a collection of essays. Palgrave Macmillan. Jullien, B., Rey, P., Saavedra, C. (2014). Theeconomics of margin squeeze. Mankiw, N. G. (2014).Principles of macroeconomics. Cengage Learning. Rios, M. C., McConnell, C. R., Brue, S. L. (2013). Economics: Principles, problems, and policies. McGraw-Hill.

Monday, December 2, 2019

what is an essay Essays - Essay, Essays, Essay Mill, Lyric Essay

An essay[1] is a piece of writing which is often written from an author's personal point of view. Essays can consist of a number of elements, including: literary criticism, political manifestos, learned arguments, observations of daily life, recollections, and reflections of the author. The definition of an essay is vague, overlapping with those of an article and a short story. Almost all modern essays are written in prose, but works in verse have been dubbed essays (e.g. Alexander Pope's An Essay on Criticism and An Essay on Man). While brevity usually defines an essay, voluminous works like John Locke's An Essay Concerning Human Understanding and Thomas Malthus's An Essay on the Principle of Population are counterexamples. In some countries (e.g., in the United States), essays have become a major part of formal education. Secondary students are taught structured essay formats to improve their writing skills, and admission essays are often used by universities in selecting applicants and, in the humanities and social sciences, as a way of assessing the performance of students during final exams. The concept of an "essay" has been extended to other mediums beyond writing. A film essay is a movie that often incorporates documentary film making styles and which focuses more on the evolution of a theme or an idea. A photographic essay is an attempt to cover a topic with a linked series of photographs; it may or may not have an accompanying text or captions.